Hard Work and Sacrifice

Significant change begins with two words

Here we are at the start of another new year with high hopes and expectations for our resolutions. Eating better, losing weight, getting organized are all high on the priority list, but, how long before we slip back into our old ways of doing things?

How long before the resolution becomes a thing of the past? 

Given the slip in resolutions, which usually happens around February or even March for some who are really intense, I have come to the conclusion that there are two words most people have a hard time with. Hard Work and Sacrifice. It’s all of us, me included. When things get tough, or we get tired we say things to ourselves like, “Ive worked so hard, I deserve a …….,” or “I’ve done pretty well the past few weeks, its ok if I take a day off.” What happens when we take even that one day off is we tend to slip back into the comfortable pattern of what we have always done.

When trying to commit to a complete change, the fullest realization of these two words has to be understood. Committing 100% to complete hard work and complete sacrifice to accomplish a significant change in our lives.

If you are someone who is starting off the new year with a resolution, try to brainstorm ways that you can sacrifice. . .things that you can give up in order to make your goal more achievable, and work hard to continue that sacrifice for as long as it takes to accomplish your goal. If your goal is to lose weight, set a realistic goal, over a realistic period of time, and then think of the sacrifices and the hard work needed to accomplish that goal.

Hard work and sacrifice demands your complete and undivided attention.

It’s all in and 100%. Slip out of your comfort zone and go after what you want with complete drive, determination and motivation. Don’t stop when it gets tough. Significant change begins and ends with sacrifice and hard work.

Wouldn’t you like to look  in the mirror at the end of this year and say, “I am a completely changed person from the start of this year!” Make it happen with hard work and sacrifice!

A great book recommendation is the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.

Happy New Year everyone! What are your resolutions for the new year?

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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